Vienna, 5 July 2024—

TENCITY Shares 1H 2024 Milestones

In the first half of 2024, TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH focused on serving our customers, giving them access to more supply locations and logistical possibilities. From the end of June, TENCITY is able to offer train sized parcels of EN 590 diesel from both Northern and Eastern German terminals and refineries. Working with the key rail logistics operators in Germany and Austria, TENCITY can now provide a multitude of rail delivery options to our customers.

TENCITY’s 1H 2024 sales highlight the significance of our foothold in the Eastern European markets. In the oversupplied market, these countries proved to be a reliable destination for diesel from Germany. We have further extended our client reach, being part of the key industry events such as the E-fuels conference, UNITI Expo, etc. To scale up our trading activities, TENCITY secured access to additional credit lines from EU and U.S.-based lenders. TENCITY will share more detail on our financial performance in the annual results brief.

Through the expansion, TENCITY and its shareholders recognize the vital importance of responsible social and corporate behaviour. 1H2024 brought the adoption of our extensive compliance framework, including policies on sanctions, ABC and KYC procedures. TENCITY is a member of Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Dmitry Brodskiy, TENCITY’s CEO, commented: "We are proud of what we have achieved in first six months, despite challenging wholesale market conditions. Our sharp focus on diesel in the chosen market segment, combined with diligent cost-control and risk policies, paves the way for TENCITY’s further expansion."

Vienna, 18 June 2024—

Konstantin Hönigschnabl, Chief Operations Manager, attended the 4th Energy Transition Innovation Talks, held at Haus der Industrie in Vienna.

He said, "This event gave a good overview on the current situation in the renewable energy markets. In addition to the general overview, the very well-prepared speakers gave industry-specific insights into how renewable energies affect their daily business. Renewable energies and climate-neutral technologies will play an essential role in the future for both business and private consumers."

Vienna, 14 June 2024—

TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH was a part of Argus Summer Party celebrations in London on the 12th of June. The well-attended event gathered the European energy executives from a wide range of companies.

“It was great to reconnect with the old friends, and to meet new people, especially in the booming renewable energy scene. The warmth of Argus hosts more than compensated for a chilly London weather!

TENCITY puts the highest value on the cordial personal relationships with our customers. We wish to thank Argus Media for this wonderful evening and are looking forward to further TENCITY participation in energy industry events organized by Argus”, said Mr. Alexey Kornienkov, TENCITY’s head of strategy.

Vienna, 15 May 2024—

TENCITY, represented by its Managing Director Mr. Dmitry Brodskiy, visited one of the world's leading fuel retail and distribution exhibitions. UNITI Expo 2024, held in Stuttgart, traditionally gathers companies and professionals to show and discuss the latest trends in fuel supply chain, including renewables.

"Having an extensive network of potential suppliers and customers, we were excited to meet them once again in Stuttgart. TENCITY also appreciated the opportunity to establish new contacts with diesel wholesalers and owners of petrol stations", said Mr. Brodskiy.

Vienna, 10 May, 2024—

TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH is glad to welcome our new team member, Mrs Lilia Pissareva, who will take a role as a Senior Trader. With a well-known and widely respected portfolio of projects, she brings with her a remarkable and broad experience in energy markets.

TENCITY’s CEO Mr Dmitry Brodskiy said, “We are delighted to welcome Mrs Pissareva aboard. I am sure that she will find a great application for her proven middle distillates trading knowledge in TENCITY. I am looking forward to our long-term cooperation with Lilia.”

Vienna, 4 March 2024—

TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH attended the events around IE Week in London, 27-29 February 2024. Europe’s premier energy event, IE Week gathered the key players of the industry from all over the world.

“With the focus of European energy supply shifting to transatlantic trade and cooperation, London is resurgent as the energy trade hub. IE Week is a great framework for meeting our US, British and international partners. TENCITY had a cordial and productive experience, laying the groundwork for reliable supply of diesel and gasoil from the world’s leading refining hubs”, noted Mr. Alexey Kornienkov, TENCITY’s head of strategy.

Vienna, 29 January 2024—

TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH took part in eKKon 2024 in Vienna, the e-fuels conference gathering the leading Austrian fuel suppliers and academia. E-fuels (also known as synthetic fuels) are seen as an important contribution to a zero emissions future.

“Being a modern market player, TENCITY is following all the key innovations that impact our business. The EU already requires inclusion of renewables like FAME and UCOME into the motor fuels. E-fuels are a natural next step, and we believe they will become an important part of European energy supply. TENCITY will continue to expand our products portfolio with low emission and renewable solutions”, highlighted Mr. Dmitry Brodskiy, managing director of TENCITY.

Vienna, 24 January 2024—

TENCITY Commences Diesel Supplies

Following the establishment of a trading entity in November of 2023, TENCITY successfully met all the prerequisites needed for physical trading of diesel and gasoil in Germany and CE countries. In January 2024, TENCITY started supplying B0 diesel fuel to European customers. The product was delivered by rail and is fully compliant with seasonal German specification.

Mr. Dmitry Brodskiy, managing director of TENCITY Energiehandel GmbH, said: “We are proud to reach agreements with our counterparties within a relatively short time, enabling first delivery in January. Our focus is on further expansion, both in terms of volume and the number of customers served.”

Hamburg, 6 December 2023—

TENCITY team has been invited as guests to the meeting of AFM+E (Aussenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie), held in Hamburg. Additionally to up-to-date lectures, it is an excellent platform for networking with German fuel distributors, represented by higher executives. TENCITY conducted several meetings to discuss challenges and opportunities for diesel supply ahead of 2024, resulting in certain arrangements to enrich our business portfolio.

We would like to thank Dr Hans Wenck for his kind invitation!